EFT is a complementary therapy that works with the body’s subtle energy system to bring about positive changes in physical, emotional, and behavioural issues. It is believed that the body has a network of energy pathways called meridians, and by ‘tapping’ near the end points of the meridians, we can promote emotional and physical healing.
Not a type of hypnotherapy, but another technique that hypnotherapists often employ within their practice. NLP is a learning model devised by Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder and looks to help people help themselves reach a state of ‘excellence, happiness state of mind.’.
Drawing on concepts from analytical psychotherapy, hypnoanalysis looks to identify a ‘cause’ or ‘trigger event’ that has led to the current problem you’re facing. By identifying the root cause, the hypnotherapist helps to reduce negative associations and resolve resulting issues. The process often takes a number of sessions, allowing you and your therapist to build a relationship and work together in a safe, trusting environment.
Milton Erickson was a psychiatrist who specialised in family therapy and medical hypnosis. His work is cited as being revolutionary in the hypnotherapy industry, and his approach is now used by a growing number of hypnotherapists. Differing from other forms, Ericksonian hypnotherapy uses indirect suggestion and storytelling to alter behavior. This type of hypnotherapy may appeal to those who are looking for a different approach or even those who have tried and disliked traditional forms of hypnotherapy.
Past life regression is a form of therapy that aims to access and explore past lives that an individual may have experienced. It is based on the belief that people have lived previous lives before their current one and that exploring these past lives can help individuals gain insight and understanding about their current life challenges, relationships, and personal characteristics. It is hoped that these memories can reveal why you are struggling with a certain issue in this life and explain who you are now. This therapy is holistic and works with the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Past life regression may be useful if you feel you are stuck on a certain issue or find that something keeps coming back into your life.
Deriving from NLP, Time Line Therapyâ„¢ is based on the premise that our memories are stored in a linear pattern (a timeline). Timeline therapists use different techniques to help you release limiting beliefs and negative emotions linked to past experiences. While this approach can be used for a variety of concerns, it is thought to be especially useful for those struggling with depression, anxiety, and stress.